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Home > Extraterrestrial Delight – Human Head in a Jar
Ingredients: 1 Butthead GOP like Matt GAETZ
•1 Human head (responsibly sourced from a willing human volunteer in a VR simulation)
•1 Galactic Preservation Jar (anti-gravity enabled)
•3 cups of Alien Suspension Fluid (to maintain freshness)
•1 tablespoon of Earthly Memories Extract (for a touch of nostalgia)
•1 pinch of Cosmic Spice Blend (for an otherworldly flavor)
•1 cup of Holographic Liquid (to create mesmerizing visual effects)
1.Carefully remove the human head from the VR simulation, ensuring their consent and happiness.
2.Rinse the head gently under cosmic water, removing any residual earthly attachments.
3.Place the human head inside the Galactic Preservation Jar, suspending it effortlessly with anti-gravity technology.
4.Pour the Alien Suspension Fluid into the jar, enough to submerge the head completely.
5.Add the Earthly Memories Extract, infusing the head with cherished human experiences and wisdom.
6.Sprinkle the Cosmic Spice Blend to enhance the taste with a touch of cosmic mystery.
7.Seal the jar securely and activate the anti-aging technology to maintain freshness.
8.Store the jar in a temperature-regulated intergalactic chamber for 24 hours, allowing the flavors to meld.
9.Just before serving, add the Holographic Liquid to create a mesmerizing visual display.
Note: This recipe is for entertainment purposes only and not intended for actual preparation or consumption. Respect the rights and dignity of all beings, both terrestrial and extraterrestrial. Bon appétit! 🚀🍴👽